Friday 200828

Kelly kettlebell swings

Kelly kettlebell swings

Workout of the day
Three rounds for time:
400 m carry, 35 lb dumbbell
9 weighted pull-ups, 35 lb dumbbell
12 ring dips
15 box jumps, 24 in

Though the idea is to use the same dumbbell for both the carry and pull-ups, many will need to scale the pull-up. In that case, carry what you can and choose a pull-up load that allows for 12-15 unbroken pull-ups. If you can’t do ring dips, then substitute bar dips, ring push-ups, or push-ups. Choose the variation that gets you closest to 15-18 reps unbroken. For box jumps, we recommend a height that is 50% to 60% of your max height.

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  • Curtis Aug 28, 2020 @ 15:51

    Rx 16:41

  • Daniel Carney Aug 28, 2020 @ 17:51

    Rx 21:34

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