Health Coaching

Health coaching is a powerful tool to help you achieve your health goals and make lasting lifestyle changes. Daniel Carney will work closely with you through personalized support, guidance, and accountability to create a customized plan tailored to your unique needs and aspirations.

Benefits of Health Coaching

First and foremost, health coaching provides a holistic approach to wellness.

Daniel understands that proper health encompasses more than just physical well-being; it also includes mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Daniel will help you achieve optimal balance and vitality by addressing all aspects of your health.

Additionally, health coaching provides the tools and knowledge needed for sustainable change. Daniel will help you uncover the underlying factors hindering your progress and develop strategies to overcome them.

Whether managing stress, adopting a healthier diet, improving sleep patterns, or increasing physical activity, Daniel will guide you step-by-step toward your goals.

One of the most significant benefits of health coaching is the personalized attention and support you receive.

Daniel will be your trusted partner throughout your journey, providing motivation, accountability, and encouragement every step of the way. He will listen to your concerns, celebrate successes, and help you navigate obstacles.

Daniel’s Health Coaching services supports you if you are ready to take control of your health and create lasting change. With his expertise, compassion, and dedication, he will empower you to make positive, sustainable choices that will enhance your overall well-being.

Coaching Schedule

Monday – Friday
7:30 – 11:00 AM

5:00 – 7:00 PM

12:00 – 2:00 PM

Programs & Fees

45-Minute Impact Session – $65
The 45-minute session is a comprehensive coaching session that allows in-depth discussions, goal-setting, and personalized guidance. This duration provides ample time for addressing various health concerns and creating actionable improvement plans that can significantly impact one’s health and well-being.

20-Minute Focus Session – $35
The 20-minute Focus session is ideal for quick check-ins, progress updates, and addressing specific challenges or questions. It offers a convenient option for clients who require brief but regular support.

Five to Thrive – $310 ($15 savings)
The Five to Thrive option includes five 45-minute coaching sessions, and clients receive a discount for committing to multiple sessions. This package is suitable for individuals seeking ongoing support and guidance over a defined period.

All-in 90 Days – $525 ($20 savings)
The All-in 90 Days program is a three-month challenge in which you are encouraged to commit fully to a particular goal or lifestyle change for 90 days. It includes three 45-minute Impact sessions with weekly 20-minute Focus sessions in between. The All-in 90 provides clients continuous support and accountability over an extended period. This option encourages long-term engagement and allows for sustained progress and behavior change. The All-in 90 program is a three-month commitment, billed at $175 monthly.

Daniel graduated from Wild Health’s Precision Medicine Fellowship in December 2022.

The Precision Medicine Fellowship offered by Wild Health is a comprehensive educational program designed to teach Genomics-Based Precision Medicine to providers and health coaches.

The fellowship program includes a 12-month asynchronous course curriculum and live experiences, such as weekly webinars on relevant topics, optional onsite visits, and the opportunity to enroll patients with mentorship from precision care faculty.

In 2023, Daniel took part in Wild Health’s Precision Medicine Training Program. Wild Health’s health coaching program is a comprehensive and immersive 6-month education in genetics-based health care.

The program is accredited by the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaching and prepares students to sit for the NBHWC exam.

Daniel is currently preparing to take the NBHWC exam in 2024.

Start your transformation today by scheduling your free 20-minute consultation below.

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