Saturday 200613

Nellie snatchingNellie snatching

On Friday, a new client came into my office for help with back pain. As we approached one another he extended his hand. I instinctively reached for his, at the same time I remembered that hand-shaking was now taboo.

But I decided to follow through with the gesture, as it would’ve been really awkward to stop. And I have to admit, shaking another man’s hand feels good.

After two months of distancing and generally avoiding contact with other people, especially shaking hands, it was surprising how natural and correct it felt. I don’t believe shaking hands as a way of greeting is going away. At least in my life, I’m bringing it back.

Workout of the day
Wearing a 20 lb weight vest, seven rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
21 walking lunges
15 pull-ups
9 burpees

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  • 15 lb vest, seven rounds for time:
    Run 400 meters
    21 walking lunges
    15 pull-ups
    9 burpees