Thursday 200702

nellie kettlebell snatching

Nellie kettlebell snatching

Workout of the day
For max load:
Snatch balance, 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

MT government overreach, COVID-19 cases, and required masks

Personally, I thought Montana was moving slowly in its Phased COVID19 reopening. But I played along, following State reopening guidelines because I’m a team player.

However, as reported in the Missoulian today,

“Missoula city and county officials requested this week the local public health officer issue an order requiring people to wear masks or cloth face coverings in licensed businesses as a way to hamper the recent flare of COVID-19 cases.”

“Engen pointed to business licenses as an untapped opportunity to enforce the policy. Missoula County Commissioners Josh Slotnick, David Strohmaier and Juanita Vero co-signed the letter.”

Our government officials have given insufficient evidence or explanation for requiring masks other than a “recent flare” in cases. Yet there is ample evidence that this is neither necessary nor obviously beneficial.

Though U.S. cases are on the rise, deaths have bottomed out.


According to the CDC’s paper, Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures, there isn’t enough evidence that a surgical-type mask reduces the transmission of viruses.

“We did not find evidence that surgical-type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission, either when worn by infected persons (source control) or by persons in the general community to reduce their susceptibility.”

And, from Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review,

“In her 2014 article, “Germs and the Pseudoscience of Quality Improvement’, Dr. K Sibert, an anaesthetist with an interest in infection control, is of the opinion that many infection control rules are indeed arbitrary, not justified by the available evidence or subjected to controlled follow-up studies, but are devised, often under pressure, to give the appearance of doing something.”

Personally, I believe masks are helpful and I use them when I think they’re necessary. Or requested by the store owner, like when shopping at the Good Food Store (GFS).

Choosing whether or not I go to the GFS because of their mask policy is an entirely different than government coercing businesses to require patrons to wear masks. Especially when failure to enforce the policy, results in fines and a loss of license.

What’s more, this “I wear the mask to protect you, and you wear it to protect me” mantra being touted by politicians and media sets us (the citizens) against one another.

On social media, people are going full-nazi calling for masks to be required.

Terrified people quickly turn on their fellow citizens. It’s disgusting, and our government and media are driving it.

Give me a good reason supported by data, and I’m all on board.

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