Sarah snatching
Workout of the day
15 min to find your max height box jump
10 min to find your max free handstand time
5 min of accumulated bar hang time
Following your general warm-up, set the timer for 15 minutes and begin working up to your max height for a box jump. Don’t rush, but stay focused. You won’t need a lot of recovery in the early stages, but as you near the high end, give yourself 2-3 minutes between jumps.
For the handstands, spend as much of the time upside down as you can. If you’re comfortable kicking up into a freestanding handstand, time your attempts. At the end of 10 minutes, record the handstand of the longest duration. If you’re not comfortable with the freestanding handstand, substitute static holds against the wall.
For the bar hangs, start by testing your max hang time. Continue hanging in smaller time segments until you’ve been on the bar for 5 total minutes.
Kate deadlifts
Workout of the day
Seven rounds for time of:
18 hang cleans, 35 lb dumbbell
18 pull-ups
10 power cleans, 60 kg (135 lb)
10 handstand push-ups
The 196 cleans are going to smoke your hamstrings. Plus the 126 pull-ups, and your biceps are going to be on fire. Play the long game on this Hero benchmark. Settle into a solid, steady pace, because you’re going to be swimming deep in this WOD for a while. There’s so much “pull” in this workout, the 70 handstand push-ups are going to feel like recovery. Scale as necessary, obviously.
Bridget putting weight overhead
Workout of the day
Practice SLIPS (scales, L-sits, inversions, planks, and stretch) for 20 minutes.
Then, complete as many burpees as possible in 7 minutes.
Though classes are canceled Saturday, we’re still programming. To make it easy on you, we’ve got a no-equipment no-excuse workout. If you haven’t practiced SLIPS before, watch the video linked above. Start with 4 minutes of each, but feel free to spend more time. 20 minutes is a minimum. Following SLIPS, start the clock and blast out 7 minutes of burpees.
Robby back squatting
Workout of the day
Practice SLIPS (scales, L-sits, inversions, planks, and stretch) for 20 minutes.
Then, for time:
Run 5 km
Though classes are canceled Friday and Saturday, we’re still programming. To make it easy on you, we’ve got a couple of no-equipment no-excuse workouts. If you haven’t practiced SLIPS before, watch the video linked above. Start with 4 minutes of each, but feel free to spend more time. 20 minutes is a minimum. Following SLIPS, warm-up for the 5 km. A simple warm-up is to run an easy 400 to 800 meters.
Kate squatting dumbbells
Workout of the day
For max load:
Shoulder press, 1 RM
Push press, 1 RM
Push Jerk, 1 RM
Following your general warm-up, work up to a 1RM in each of the lifts. Begin with an empty bar at the start of each lift. If you know your 1RM, then the progression from an empty bar to your max-range should be relatively quick. Plan for 9 to 12 sets for each lift.
Nellie and Sara snatching
Workout of the day
Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes:
6 Turkish get-ups, 24 kg kettlebell
12 pull-ups
Include Turkish get-ups in your warm-up. Work up to 80%-85% of your 1RM. Spend some time actively mobilizing the shoulder. Try this 4 Step Shoulder Mobility. Here’s an idea for your pull-ups. During the WOD, start each round with strict pull-ups, then as you begin to fatigue “force reps” using the kip.
Kyle dumbbell squatting
Workout of the day
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time:
Deadlifts, 120 kg
10x double-unders
If your 1RM deadlift isn’t greater than 170 kg, then you’ll be best served by going with something closer to 60% of 1RM. Warm-up your lower back – we like rowing, windmills, roll downs, and box jumps. There’s a lot of double-unders in this workout (relative to our other double-under workouts), so make sure your lower legs are warm and supple. Practice double-unders. Foam roll the lower leg. Mobilize the foot and ankle. If you don’t know how to do any of that, Google it or become a member of CrossFit Missoula, and we’ll teach you.
Ann overhead pressing dumbbells
Workout of the day
Three rounds for time:
6 hanging hip touches
9 push-ups
6 hanging hip touches
9 push-ups
6 hanging hip touches
9 push-ups
Run 800 m
Hanging hip touches – hanging shoulder touches – hanging side swings – static hangs . . . pick one. Pushups, chest and thighs on the floor. Elbows locked out at the top. Run fast. Three times. For time. Go!
Amy pushing the sled while lil’ Lillian watches & learns
Workout of the day
Five rounds for time of:
15 deadlifts, 102 kg (225 lb)
20 box jumps, 24 in
25 pull-ups
Heavier, than usual. Longer, than usual. That’s what makes “hero” WOD’s different than ordinary benchmark workouts. Warm-up your bar hang, pull-up, hip touch, etc. Get comfortable under the bar. Box jumps following deadlifts are a recipe for a trip to the hospital for stitches. Jump like you mean it and focus on bringing your knees to your chest one each and every jump. Get your feet on the box. The lazy and distracted end up at the hospital. Don’t be that guy.
Jerod and Robby snatching
Workout of the day
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes:
1 burpee
2 single arm snatches, 55 lb dumbbell
2 burpees
4 single arm snatches, 55 lb dumbbell
3 burpee
6 single arm snatches, 55 lb dumbbell
4 burpees
8 single arm snatches, 55 lb dumbbell
Continue increasing reps, following the pattern, each round until you run out of time.
If you missed any of the heavy lifting or technical movements this week, pull some of that into your pre-WOD. For example, if you missed the barbell snatch work-up yesterday, do it today. If you missed Monday’s deadlift work-up, get some of that. When you see the short metcon programmed, don’t call it a short day, spend the extra time wisely. Work on your “goats”. Goats are those movements you’re weak at. SLIPS (scales, L-sits, inversions, planks, stretch) are a solid go-to.