ann pull-ups

Ann grabbing pull-ups

Workout of the day
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
400 m run
20 pull-ups
10 box jumps, 24 in

Conditioning day. Pull-ups will get broken into sets for most. Use a band or reduce the number so that you don’t get bogged down on pull-ups. Aim for a load that you can complete 20 unbroken, at least in the first round. Scale as necessary. Post subs, questions, and results to comments.

Effects of the Low Carbohydrate, High Fat Diet on Glycemic Control and Body Weight in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

“More than a dozen studies since 2005 have shown low-carbohydrate, high-fat diets (LCHF) lead to significant improvements in glycemic control and weight in diabetics, and in many cases support discontinuation of medications to treat hyperglycemia, hypertension, and other comorbidities.”

kate kettlebell snatching

Kate kettlebell snatching

Workout of the day
Front squat, 85%1RM x 3-3-3 reps

Then, 21-15-9 reps for time:
Deadlifts, 110 kg
Ring dips

Incorporate front squats into your general warm-up, or what we like to call the “pre-WOD”. Recommended front squat load progression is 50% 1RM x 10, 60% x 8, 70% x 6, 80% x 4, 85% x 3-3-3 reps.

For the main WOD, load the bar for deadlifts. Go Rx’d (prescribed) or 55% 1RM. Depends on your ability and mood.

Post subs, questions, results to comments.

Weekly COVID19 new cases vs new deaths

covid19 cases vs deaths

courtesy of @Covid19Crusher

jerod two hands

Jerod two hands anyhow

Workout of the day
For time:
Run 1.5 miles
150 burpees
Run 1.5 miles

If you’ve got a weight vest or body armor, wear it.

Post subs, questions, and results to comments.

Every Saturday CrossFit Missoula runs one of the 198 Hero Benchmarks created by CrossFit in honor of the military, LEO, and firefighters who lost their lives in action. We began this back in 2016 but stopped in 2018 because we pulled the Saturday group class. Now that our Saturday class is back on the schedule, we’ve picked up where we left off. We’re running the Hero’s in alphabetical order.

Florida Enacts Occupational Freedom and Opportunity Act

“In a significant victory for CrossFit affiliates, on June 30, 2020, Governor Ron DeSantis signed the Occupational Freedom and Opportunity Act (HB 1193), permitting CrossFit trainers across the state to provide nutrition guidance to their members and clients. Previously, Florida law only permitted dietitians and other select licensed professionals to provide nutrition recommendations to their clients.”

Steph finding her 1 rep Turkish get-up

Steph Turkish get-ups

Workout of the day
21-15-9 reps for time:
Power snatch, 50 kg

Today’s WOD is a sprint type effort. Barbell load should be 50% to 60% of your 1 rep max. Going heavier is fine, but will result in needing to break rounds into sets. Same with pull-ups. If you can’t complete 21 pull-ups unbroken, then consider using a band or other substitution to retain original stimulus. Otherwise, break into sets. We recommend including full squat snatches in your warm-up. Or if you missed yesterday, incorporate snatch balances in your warm-up.

Post questions, modifications, and results to comments.

COVID19 cases on the rise as deaths fall off a cliff

Governor Bullock and Senator Tester have recently been pushing their #maskupmt message on social media harder than ever, even threatening a mandatory mask order. Presumably, due to the rise in COVID19 cases.

Commissioner Josh Slotnick and Missoula Mayor John Engen discuss the mandated mask order.

COVID 19 Update, July 2, 2020

Montana elected officials’ sole concerns appear to be that COVID19 cases are on the rise. And cases are going up across the country, including Montana. The chart below shows cases for the United States.

However, deaths are also dropping precipitously across the U.S.

usa covid19

This looks like good news to me. Why isn’t the media and our politicians talking about it? Why are they myopic on the rise in cases?

It appears policymakers are still basing their decisions on faulty models. Specifically, the failed modeling from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME).

The chart below shows the projected deaths of Montana, with masks and without.

IHME projected deaths covid19

The chard below is IHME projected deaths for the U.S. According to the IHME model, masks are our best measure for reducing COVID-19 deaths.

ihme covid19 projections usa

The IHME, you’ll recall, was who Greg Glassman’s “It’s FLOYD-19” tweet was directed at. Pay special attention to the second tweet. The first was bait to get attention. Everyone fell for it. The second tweet was the message.

glassman comment ihme

Innuendo, bad-mind reading, and none of my business

The problem with the model and the presumed solution is deaths aren’t going up. They’re dropping. And fast.

Deaths are dropping so precipitously that they’re now below the national average of all-cause fatalities.


Though the virus is still with us, something is driving deaths down. And this is excellent news. It appears that we have beat the illness!

However, our politicians and the media seem hellbent on keeping you afraid. Don’t fall for it.

Push back on any further restrictions, and demand that we open up businesses and schools, full throttle.

nellie kettlebell snatching

Nellie kettlebell snatching

Workout of the day
For max load:
Snatch balance, 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

MT government overreach, COVID-19 cases, and required masks

Personally, I thought Montana was moving slowly in its Phased COVID19 reopening. But I played along, following State reopening guidelines because I’m a team player.

However, as reported in the Missoulian today,

“Missoula city and county officials requested this week the local public health officer issue an order requiring people to wear masks or cloth face coverings in licensed businesses as a way to hamper the recent flare of COVID-19 cases.”

“Engen pointed to business licenses as an untapped opportunity to enforce the policy. Missoula County Commissioners Josh Slotnick, David Strohmaier and Juanita Vero co-signed the letter.”

Our government officials have given insufficient evidence or explanation for requiring masks other than a “recent flare” in cases. Yet there is ample evidence that this is neither necessary nor obviously beneficial.

Though U.S. cases are on the rise, deaths have bottomed out.


According to the CDC’s paper, Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures, there isn’t enough evidence that a surgical-type mask reduces the transmission of viruses.

“We did not find evidence that surgical-type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission, either when worn by infected persons (source control) or by persons in the general community to reduce their susceptibility.”

And, from Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review,

“In her 2014 article, “Germs and the Pseudoscience of Quality Improvement’, Dr. K Sibert, an anaesthetist with an interest in infection control, is of the opinion that many infection control rules are indeed arbitrary, not justified by the available evidence or subjected to controlled follow-up studies, but are devised, often under pressure, to give the appearance of doing something.”

Personally, I believe masks are helpful and I use them when I think they’re necessary. Or requested by the store owner, like when shopping at the Good Food Store (GFS).

Choosing whether or not I go to the GFS because of their mask policy is an entirely different than government coercing businesses to require patrons to wear masks. Especially when failure to enforce the policy, results in fines and a loss of license.

What’s more, this “I wear the mask to protect you, and you wear it to protect me” mantra being touted by politicians and media sets us (the citizens) against one another.

On social media, people are going full-nazi calling for masks to be required.

Terrified people quickly turn on their fellow citizens. It’s disgusting, and our government and media are driving it.

Give me a good reason supported by data, and I’m all on board.

robby kettlebell combat figure 8'sRobby kettlebell combat figure eights

Workout of the day
Three rounds for time:
400 m carry, 55 lb dumbbell
12 deadlifts, 110 kg
16 renegade rows, two 55 lb dumbbells

ann kettlebell snatchingAnn kettlebell snatching

Workout of the day
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
4 Turkish get-ups, 24 kg kettlebell
8 toes to bar
12 kettlebell snatches, 24 kg

robby box jumpingRobby box jumping

Workout of the day
For time:
120 double-unders
12 muscle-ups
36 squats
90 double-unders
9 muscle-ups
27 squats
60 double-unders
6 muscle-ups
18 squats

kate kettlebell combat figure 8'sKate kettlebell combat figure eights

Workout of the day
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 Pull-ups
5 deadlifts, two 75 lb dumbbells
8 push-presses, 135 lb (62 kg) barbell