Nellie deadlifting

Nellie deadlifting

Seven rounds for time:
12 renegade rows, two 45 lb dumbbells
7 thrusters, two 45 lb dumbbells

Bodyweight option.
Seven rounds for time:
18 push-ups
12 jump squats

Abby smashes double-unders

Abby smashes double-unders

Five rounds for time:
9 power snatches, 50 kg
12 toes to bar

If you don’t have a barbell, sub 9 tuck jumps + 12 handstand shoulder touches for power snatches.

Warming Up With SLIPS

Sara pulling kettlebell cleans

Sara pulling kettlebell cleans

50 strict pull-ups
100 push-ups, release hands from floor at the bottom
Run 5 km

If you’ve got a twenty-pound vest or body armor, wear it.

WOD brief

Abby Saturday group WOD send-off 900 tinypng

Group WOD send-off for Abby

Hit The Deck
Hearts = Toes to bar
Clubs = Kettlebell swings, 24 kg
Diamonds = Push-ups
Spades = Squats
Face cards = 10 reps
Aces = 1 rep
Jokers = Run 800 m

Using a standard deck of cards, shuffle the deck and deal the top 9 cards face up. Complete all the work represented by the cards before dealing the next hand. You can arrange the cards in your hand in any order.

WOD brief

Do we see reality as it is? | Donald Hoffman

21-15-9 reps for time:
Deadlifts, 120 kg (60%)
Handstand walk (measured in feet)

WOD brief

Bodyweight option
Substitute 2x jumping lunges for deadlifts

The Neuroscience Of Negativity: Why Pessimism in the Media Works (Steven Kotler)

Three rounds for time:
100 double unders
21 pull-ups
12 burpees

WOD brief

Dr. Lustig: Type 2 Diabetes Is “Processed Food Disease”

For max load:
Shoulder press, 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps

WOD brief

Bodyweight option
Seven rounds:
Wall walks, 30 seconds
Recovery, 60 seconds